Friday 26 September 2014

Man's best friend!

How to care for your Dog

1.Wake up your dog and take it out of it's bed in the morning. If it doesn't sleep in a bed, get it a bed!

2.Give your dog some breakfast, it is best to feed your dog half its food in the morning as it has to be at least a bit hungry in the morning like you!

3.Go for a walk. A small walk or a big walk, either is fine. Or, if you don't have the time to take it for a walk, put it in your backyard! If you don't have a backyard, don't get a dog!

4.Come back home and give it some water. It's probably thirsty from all that walking! 

5.Give it a short break. It could also be a long break if you wish. 

6.Brush your dog. If your pet sheds a lot, you should brush it everyday. If not, every other day!
7.Feed your dog. It must be hungry by now. Feed it two cups of food. If your dog is on a diet, give it one cup of food. It might look like it's not a lot, but it's good for your dog!

8.Put it in its bed. Your dog will be tired by then, so pet it on the head and leave the room if not entering again. But, if you are staying up longer, watch television with it, or maybe even let it get on your sofa, but don't do this if it's not allowed to. Even if you let it go on the sofa once, that might teach it that it can go on it when ever it wants!

9.Enjoy your dog and remember:          
"Your dog is a part of your life, but to your dog, you are it's life!"


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